Randy and Jennifer Marvel grew up miles apart, with Randy being from Ladue, Missouri, and Jennifer from Longview, Texas. Jennifer is a proud fifth-generation Texan with roots traced back to the Battle of

the Alamo. Her fourth great-grandfather is also honored at the Alamo. Randy, a Missouri native, left the St. Louis area to follow his first love, baseball, and moved to Texas to play for Texas Christian University. The couple met in Fort Worth through mutual friends prior to Randy’s return to TCU for his MBA and eventually moved to Dallas for their careers. They were married in 1997 at Highland Park Presbyterian Church. “Those early years were such great memories shared Jennifer. “We started our football Sunday traditions together rooting for the Dallas Cowboys. Randy is the CEO and Co-Founder of Macrospect, a boutique consulting company that implements Workday and SAP financial systems for Fortune 1000 companies. Jennifer has a degree in Public Relations and previously worked for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and the national office of Mothers Against Drunk Driving before deciding to stay at home

to raise their children, Reed and Brooke. Both Reed and Brooke now attend Texas Christian University where Reed is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity and is entering his senior year as a political science major. “After working for a Fort Worth-based law firm and interning for a state senator, he has set his sights on pursuing a law degree after graduation;’ said Randy. Brooke is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority and performs on the sidelines as a TCU Showgirl while pursuing a degree in Psychology. “Brooke has danced since the age of three and plans to continue dancing as long as possible by continuing her training toward becoming a Radio City Rockette. Jennifer explained. “She is excited to be on staff this semester working with young dancers in our community and teaching at Highland Park Dance Company. Regular hangouts for Randy and Jennifer include Highland Park Village which they enjoy walking to for dinner. “I often say, ‘I have a kitchen because it came with the house said Jennifer. “We are so lucky

to be surrounded by amazing restaurants in Dallas, and we like trying new places. Even though our kids are now away in college, they will still drive back for our weekly sushi Sunday at Oishii. They still love rooting for the Cowboys, but Randy has a strong allegiance with the St. Louis Blues hockey team as well. Jennifer is a Stars fan which she says makes for healthy competition in the household. As a family, they cheer on the TCU Horned Frogs and you can find them most weekends in Forth Worth at Amon Carter Stadium, The Schollmaier Arena, or Lupton Stadium. In addition to visiting local places, the family has always made travel an important part of their lives. “Early on, we decided as parents that travel was a very important part of our kids’ education;’ said Jennifer. “We took great care in planning trips and involved our children in the process. Often, everyone would toss a trip request or idea in a hat, and we

would draw for our next destination. Some of our most memorable destinations were England, Ireland, France, Germany, Greece, and Italy. We also wanted them to see more of our great nation, from the East Coast to the West Coast. National visits have included Pearl Harbor, The Alamo, national parks, and the nation’s capital:’ Recently, Randy traveled to the Gulf Coast to participate in a land-based shark excursion and caught a 10-foot Tiger shark. “Reed has always been fascinated with sharks which

has become infectious to Randy as well stated Jennifer. “This excursion was great in that it included an educational course in care and conservation. The guide often uses dedicated technology including tagging and release techniques. Both Reed and Randy are planning a shark dive in the near future off the coast of the Baja Peninsula:’ Traveling has always brought some great memories for the Marvel family. Both kids agree that their funniest travel memory occurred in London when Jennifer attempted to plug in her hairdryer and knocked all electricity out to an entire hotel floor. Jennifer says her most memorable family vacation was a rainforest tour in Costa Rica when the Turrialba Volcano erupted.  This sent ash falling like a snowstorm and stranded us there for a few extra nights:’ Though they love to travel and explore new places, the Marvel family is happy to call Highland Park home. They live there with their two miniature dachshunds, Lili and Rosie. “We were drawn to the small-town feel near the heart of the city;’ they shared. “We had the most fun while the kids were in high school attending all of the Highland Park football games and celebrating those back-to-back state championships!” The family lives by the mottos: “The way you do anything is the way you do everything”, “Work hard, play hard and “You go nowhere by accident. The family’s favorite quote, which is also displayed in Randy’s office,

is by Theodore Roosevelt: “It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming, but who does actually strive to do the deeds, who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.