
To improve citizens’ understanding of the workings of Town Hall while encouraging their involvement in the community to help sustain the quality of life for present and future generations of Highland Park’s residents.

Program Overview

Town Hall 101 is a Citizen Academy engagement course designed to provide the Town of Highland Park residents with a better understanding of the workings of your municipal government and how town services are delivered. The program gives participants a comprehensive look into town departments, programs and services offered in each. Learn how the Town of Highland Park is governed, how the annual budget is developed, and how your tax dollars work for you. There is no cost for residents 18 years or older to participate in Town Hall101.

Class size is limited. Selection process will be on a first comebasis.


The class will hear from elected officials, guest lecturers, and Town personnel who will cover topics in their own areas of expertise. The collection of course speakers will provide a well-rounded overview of each topic, giving attendees a front row seat to the inner workings of Highland Park.


There is not a fee to participate.

Class Schedule

Beginning March 2022, the class schedule will meet quarterly at Town Hall on a Thursday evening. Classes will meet at 5:30p.m., on the second floor Council Chambers.

Need More Information

If are interested in signing up or you have graduated from a previous class (formerly know as Citizens’ Academy) and would like more information, please contact Holly Russell at 214-559-9308, hrussell@hptx.org.

* Meetings may be held in person or virtually.